GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW !! Batman:Bruce Wayne,Murderer?(Batman: Bruce Wayne,Fugitive part 1 )


So Here comes the first Graphic Novel Review of 2017 from me and it’s from one of my favorite Batman books . The review will comprise of the 600 paged Batman : Bruce Wayne , Murderer ? and I’ll post the review of it’s follow up ,the 700 paged Batman : Bruce Wayne, Fugitive? sometime in next week.

Written by a collaboration between Greg Rucka, Kelley Puckett, Chuck Dixon and Drawn by the vast number of artist that include Devin Grayson, Ed Brubaker, Pete Woods , Trevor McCarthy , Steve Lieber  , Phil Noto , Lonardo Manco , William Rosado , Dave Johnson , Rick Burchett , Roger Robinson , Scott McDaniel , Rick Leonardi , Damion Scott , was a whodunnit story with Bruce Wayne standing as a suspect and set during a time that was one of the most darkest of the Batman timeline .

Book Details :

Set following the events of No Man’s Land and soon after Batman being abandoned by Alfred, Barbara, Tim and Death of Jason and Jim Gordon being in a coma following a misadventure during his time with Batman.Batman now , has become even more grim than he ever was , dealing justice to the scum of Gotham with very little after thought . Batman now wants to work as alone as he can , he’s not however alone as a new partner supports him , maybe even loves him . But one night Bruce Wayne is found standing near the dead body of Vesper Fairchild , his ex-girlfriend , he has the murder weapon in his hands and police have a 911 call that incriminates Bruce . Has Bruce finally crossed the line? has he done it?

What I liked :

9457154-_sy540_A lot , while not a new concept , after all a similar story was done with Dick Grayson just few months before release of this one . This effort however excels where the efforts of Nightwing failed, because of the mystery created and executed .

For majority of the book , the author succeeds in creating a doubt among the readers , they are made to question whether Bruce Wayne is actually the culprit . This is done masterfully as even before this story-line Bruce had shown many signs of making erratic decisions something that led to his own alienation from nearly every asssociate he ever had .


Meanwhile the whole Bat-family* seems to be convinced that maybe Batman has actually done it and even Bruce , in a prison , refuses to accept or deny the responsibility of the crime . This result in a strained relationship between the Bat-family.

*except Dick Grayson

The paperback also consisted of other side stories involving Nightwing, Birds of Prey , Red Robin , Spoiler etc . and  each story was related to the mystery of the Murder conviction of Bruce Wayne and at the same time managed to stay on its own as a good stand alone story .

What I didn’t like :

untitled-1Easy – The art !

The sketches and coloring was one of the worst I have ever seen , Part of the reason is that the story was told via 8 different titles , ergo While some issues had artists who managed decent artwork ,others had absolutely horrible ones , specially the ones working on Nightwing & Birds of Prey .

Conclusion :

Despite the very inconsistent and plain Bad Art work , the Story is intense and keeps you guessing . The story obviously didn’t reveal whether or not Bruce has actually done it but it made a very interesting scenario where even the hardest of hardcore fans will start questioning whether Bruce is innocent and not to forget the marvelous display of the strained relationships between various members of the Bat-family . In my honest opinion this is a must read for Batman fans at least


12 thoughts on “GRAPHIC NOVEL REVIEW !! Batman:Bruce Wayne,Murderer?(Batman: Bruce Wayne,Fugitive part 1 )

    1. If you are not a Bat – fan this book is actually a really good recommendation for you , since it both gives you evidence for Bat-hating reasons and also later on explains why Batman is still loved . the art in the book is really bad however so be warned and if you did in fact read it , I’ll be awaiting your review to know what this book made you feel

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Actually I am just browsing through my comic collection, seperating the seeds from the crops…discovering single issue gems like my all-time favorite complete nml and also murderer\fugitive…best entettainment when nothing goes on the big screen…glad to rediscover them. Also war games is pretty fine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really liked War games but sadly I haven’t read the Act 3 – End game of that saga , I had actually forgotten all about it , since back when War games were released Amazon wasnt selling comics in India , now thanks to you I may buy and finally end up reading it . So Thank you 🙂


      1. And I have to commit, it has a special magic having them in the original single issue format. It’s quite an ammount of paper, but i enjoy every single page of them. Interesting most people complain about the incosistency caused by the different artists working on these storylines…exactly this is the extra spice for me in those pages.

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      2. I don’t necessarily mind inconsistency , if despite the inconsistent artwork the final result is good to look at , I can’t say so about Murderer/Fugitive saga . The recently concluded Night of Monster men saga I can call good artwise , despite inconsistency spread across 6 issues


  2. Ok, as far as it is, the latest batman stories I enjoyed have been ‘death of the family’ and ‘endgame’, and these two in tpb format. I generally quit before dc came up with their new52 stuff. Next thing i am going to read is ‘death and the maidens’.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand the hatred for new 52 , but most of the Batman run in new 52 was brilliant and now that the Rebirth titles have come in , I strongly recommend you to check it out , specially the Detective comics run of Tynion IV


  3. Ok. More time. I got the full snyder run, before that i completed the morrison run entirely, both of these are excellent works. Best surprise was snyder & co’s batman eternal and over the top imo was the zero year run.


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